Pink and green blouse

Pink and green blouse

Occasionally I post an outfit that I am not so keen on. Today is such a day. This pink and green blouse was meant to be worn with a skirt as it is narrower than tops I usually wear with trousers. Only I don’t really have a skirt for the blouse. I can hear you...
Blue and white striped trousers

Blue and white striped trousers

Allright, this is going to be a quick post as I am actually on holiday. Therefore (again) some selfies in our garden. When I came down the morning I was wearing these blue and white striped trousers, my husband disapproved of the blue and white ballerinas I chose to...
The garden

The garden

You have seen parts of our garden in nearly all photos I have uploaded. Most photos were taken from the end of November onwards. Not the best time for a garden. And to add to the misery you had to look at a torn-down fence. It used to be a lovely fence, painted yellow...
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