Man repeller jeans with a green and cream shirt

Man repeller jeans with a green and cream shirt

It was one of those cloudy days, not too cold and not too hot. Looking through my photo album with “outfits still to put on the blog”, I found my trusted man repeller jeans with a green and cream shirt, styled by Misja (MisjaB). Perfect for that...
Man repeller jeans with oversized orange blazer

Man repeller jeans with oversized orange blazer

Another newly created outfit with stuff from my wardrobe: man repeller jeans with an oversized orange blazer. I like the addition of the silver bag, but every time I wear a bag cross body, my blazer rides up. Above: The brooch is pinned horizontally, as you can see. I...
Green jumper with flared jeans and Shopping Saturday in Utrecht

Green jumper with flared jeans and Shopping Saturday in Utrecht

Looking at the photo above I cannot help thinking the jeans should have been ironed. Something which was an absolute no-no in the seventies haha. Times are changing. I bought the green jumper while wearing these flared jeans and immediately liked the look. The jeans...
Man repeller jeans

Man repeller jeans

Man repeller jeans, let’s keep it objective and call it an acquired taste. I saw a sales lady in these jeans and fell totally in love with the bow legs. They are MAC jeans, called Baggy…you don’t say haha. My BVA friends all liked them and I...
Pebble coloured trousers with a blue blazer and a blue blouse

Pebble coloured trousers with a blue blazer and a blue blouse

Back to restyling again. I hate that as I am not good at shopping from my wardrobe, but I cannot keep buying new things. I combined the pebble coloured trousers with a blue blazer and a blue blouse. You get two for one in this post. I like both combinations; with the...
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