Man repeller jeans with a green and cream shirtIt was one of those cloudy days, not too cold and not too hot. Looking through my photo album with “outfits still to put on the blog”, I found my trusted man repeller jeans with a green and cream shirt, styled by Misja (MisjaB). Perfect for that day’s weather.
You have seen the shirt before in (this post with teal trousers), but in hindsight I didn’t like those combinations. Today’s combination is one I love. Misja found the green belt in my wardrobe. It isn’t mine so it must be Ron’s.

I was visiting my friend Ineke who moved from Amsterdam to the town of Den Helder (top of the north west). Den Helder is a harbour town, a ship building town, a maritime town. Den Helder was the site of a naval base as early as the 18th century. Read more about this place here.
I was curious to know how she and her husband got along in this town after the hustle and bustle of Amsterdam.

We started with a tour around their new, spacious house and had coffee and lunch. For the photo shoot we went to a spot in Den Helder which used to be a ship building site. After they ceased building ships, the group of beautiful buildings were turned into an event spot with restaurants, a museum and even the town hall resides there now.

Of course we had coffee at one of the restaurants. Below: I asked Ineke to remove her glasses as I think she has the most incredibly beautiful eyes. Her necklace is created by an English artist who lives in the Netherlands, called Christopher Clarke. He used to be hot in Amsterdam in the eighties.

Ineke without glasses

Below: The place of the photo shoot is called Willemsoord (the information is in Dutch, so you’ll have to use Google Translate). These wonderful ships are the view from the terraces. Quite a view.

Willemsoord Den Helder

Below: I asked the seagull (bottom right) to move to the left and pose as the owner of the ship, but he didn’t listen.

Willemsoord Den Helder

Below: We used the ships as background for my new spring jacket, which I bought in Aix-en-Provence, as fourth item of the 10 I am “allowed” this year. Right length, right colour (as in…it will go with everything), wide sleeves to fit a lot of shirts and tops. Totally worth to be the fourth item. The only thing I wanted to change was being able to button it up at the top, specifically for when I am riding my bike. So I bought three buttons and had a tailor make another button hole at the top. You will see the result another time.

Man repeller jeans with a green and cream shirt

Below: Our next stop was Museum Texel, befittingly housed in a light ship, sort of a lighthouse at sea. A ticket to visit the ship is low priced, but we were totally oblivious of the fact you had to pay for a ticket and just entered the boat…”Hello sir, we would like to use this boat as background for our outfit photo shoot. Is that allowed?” The two men on the ship were ever so friendly and let us do our thing. We had a little banter about getting dressed.

Texel museum boat in Den Helder The Netherlands

Below: Magazine worthy, don’t you think?

Man repeller jeans with a green and cream shirt

Below: Another sitting down opportunity. Love it.

Man repeller jeans with a green and cream shirt

Below: We moved onto the buildings. The bag is Dries van Noten (a sale bargain, a couple of years ago). The boots are Fly London and really loved by me. The man repeller jeans are MAC (see original post), and they are called Baggy. I wonder why 😂. Green fabric belt: Ron’s. The shirt is a bargain from last year. Yellow earrings with silver button by Lara Design. Yellow bracelets with silver rim are from the market.

Man repeller jeans with a green and cream shirt

Below: Looking in a window to check whether everything is still in the right position and the hair is how I want it to be.

Man repeller jeans with a green and cream shirt

Below: Kitty taught me that you look better in a photo if you loosen up a little. Shake it all up.
I look like this when I do that…the hunchback of Notre Dame.

Man repeller jeans with a green and cream shirt

Below: Of course I took photos of Ineke too. With glasses this time.


Below: And sunglasses. I know Ineke since 1982 (I think). We used to be colleagues at an advertising agency. Old friendships like this are precious.


It was good to learn that they absolutely love it in Den Helder. After what I heard, there is a lot more to do in that town than I expected. All up their street.

What happened in my life this week

I had a terrific day in The Hague with my friend Selma (below). And she too was kind enough to take blog photos. In a couple of weeks you will see the post.


Of course I saw mum and this time I took a photo for you all. We had coffee on a terrace and played a game of Rummikub afterwards. I won this time.


The week passed pretty quietly with not a lot of events or friends visiting. For a change this is nice. Shouldn’t happen every week, but I could do with a bit of a rest. And even though I was home most of the time, I dressed up, like below. Jeans with a white shirt is always a good combination. The earrings add colour to my face. (Link to original post with this outfit and different jewellery.)

Jeans with a white oversized shirt

Loes came over for a cup of tea. She wore a pretty pink jumper and dimwit that I am, I forgot to take a photo. Something which happens to me often. When I saw Anke this week for a coffee in a restaurant, I also forgot to take a photo. I am a lousy blogger.

Below: I made up for it when I went to town with my friend and neighbour Monique. We started with coffee and tea on a sun-drenched terrace. A kind lady took our picture. Haarlem has the best terraces.

Monique and I

Below: I was wearing this outfit. (Link to original post with different shoes and bag.)

Flared jeans with oversized yellow top

Below: As we sat there, ready to order another round, I saw Helga coming out of a shop. Helga is a friend of ours. Such a happy, positive person.


She joined us and after a round of drinks wanted something small to eat. Alas the kitchen of our restaurant was closed so we moved on to another terrace where we ordered cocktails and snacks.
I suddenly realised that Ron was out and would be home late and I had promised to fetch salads at our greengrocer. (We actually say greengrocer jeweller as they are expensive but have quality food and freshly made dishes as well.)
I didn’t want to leave yet, but when you arrive at the shop just before closing time, all the salads are gone. Solution: ring them up and ask them to hold two salads, with the promise to pick them up before closing time. And so it happened.

What a delightful afternoon. I am so happy I am retired and have sufficient funds. I am a very lucky person.

In the end I saw more friends than I anticipated at the beginning of the week.


No Fear of Fashion


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